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the film


Back in February, Maddy and Virginia auditioned for a popular burlesque parody (that shall remain nameless). 

This production had been staged in L.A. and New York and was successful enough to make its way to Chicago before embarking on a national tour. Virginia and Maddy both sent in audition materials hoping that this would be their big break. They waited, not-so-patiently, to find out if they had what it took to be chosen - all the while reassuring each other that they would totally, definitely, absolutely, without a doubt get the gig!


But alas. They did not. 

The facts
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The Five Stages of Grief: crying in your Kia Rio, slamming the biggest burrito you can find, calling your friend to vent, talking mad shit, and finally: planning a spite show.

As Maddy was lingering in the first stage, Virginia was skipping straight to the fourth. The day they found out the production had ghosted them and already posted a cast list, Virginia texted her "You know what? That show is going to suck without us."

Maddy replied "TRU. And you know what would be the best spite plan? If we produced our own burlesque parody show."

The two threw out some ideas for movies to parody, but nothing seemed right.

Until Virginia said: "Wait it's so obvious: Twilight"

Maddy replied: "This is no longer a hypothetical conversation. We're making a show. Starting right now."

And the rest is history.

The mission


Virginia and Maddy are blessed to be surrounded by gorgeous, talented friends who are down for some wacky shit.

As they set out to cast the show, some roles were obvious and cast immediately: Maddy would be Bella (quirky brunette, duh), Virginia would be Alice (gay-coded character, duh), Virginia's partner Ray Post would be Jasper (chemistry on and offstage, duh), Chicago-based producer, choreographer, and dancer Alix Schillaci would be Charlie (lover of all things cowboy and connoisseur of fake mustaches, duh), and the trio of bad guys would be decorated pole artists Lavender Vyxn, Kaya Sky, and Mala Mia (hot demon bitches, duh). Thankfully, all these incredible performers were available and willing to throw themselves into the project - not just onstage but behind-the-scenes as well: Ray volunteered to help record lines and coach the dancers on vocal inflection and Mala provided rehearsal space for the pole trio and a stage pole for the performance. 

Other roles took longer to fill: they went through six Rosalies and four Edwards before finding the incredible Kaleigh Dent and Jacque Brejay - and they now know that those dancers falling through was just fate guiding them to the two best possible people for the roles: Kaleigh is not only an amazing mover and person but also happens to be a die-hard twi-hard who re-read the books to prepare for her role, and Jacque is a rising star who - much to their surprise - revealed that this is his first paid dance gig. When you see him take the stage it will become clear that this is only the beginning of a long and lustrous career for Jacque. 

As far as behind-the-scenes-work, Sam Flores generously offered to take on the task of designing posters for the show in between grad school animation projects, Lillie Osborne volunteered to make the pole trio mashup and the final dance battle mashup, and Mickey Winkler offered up the back room of the bar they work at for the show's fundraiser.

The entire cast was heavily involved in coming up with ideas and providing resources for the show, as well as choreographing their own duets, solos, and trios, and expertly collaborating on the final dance battle. This show is a labor of love by all of these incredible dancers, ingenious choreographers, hot sexy bitches, and most importantly: supportive generous friends.

It just goes to show - no one achieves anything alone. 

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